7. Epic Boss Maps

Bosses in Torchlight are hard…very hard. Often times boss battles on the harder difficulty settings can last up to 5 minutes long – mostly due to strategy and heavy potion consumption. But what happens when you have to go three of more dungeon levels before hitting a hard boss? The game gets boring.

Epic Boss Maps changes this – and extends the life of Torchlight for veterans of the game. Epic Boss Maps allows players to buy map portals that transport characters to Champion Boss dominated maps. If you think the Hard difficulty was frustrating, wait until you run into 4 Champions in 5 minutes. Unfortunately, this mod also murders any semblance of balance Torchlight had – killing Champions gives characters quite a few levels and some nice pieces of loot regularly. Still, for extending Torchlight's shelf life, Epic Boss Maps gets a solid 7 on the list of the Top 10 Best Torchlight Mods out now.

6. Respec Mod

While Torchlight only has three original main classes, each of these classes has a large variety of abilities to specialize in. As players level up, they gain experience points to put into these abilities, allowing them to transform into a specialist, or branch out as more of a jack-of-all-trades. This feature is deep and engrossing, but does have one major flaw; what happens when you get bored of your specialization? Unfortunately, Torchlight is a dungeon grinder – so characters will generally be using the same abilities over and over again, which can get tiring quickly.

Respec Mod is a well thought out and relatively balanced Torchlight mod that allows players to do one simple thing; re-specialize their characters. Heres how it works: Player A has made it to level 25, but is bored of her fire special abilities – so she decides to respec. She saves up 15,000 gold pieces – not a trifling sum – and goes to the respec merchant. She buys all of her points back, then assigns them to new abilities as she sees fit. Easy, fast, and a needed improvement. The best part is that Respec Mod charges players a hefty sum of gold to change their abilities – balancing the act and preventing accidental (or direct) exploitation.

Want to find out the best of the rest? Click Next Page to continue reading the Top 10 Best Torchlight Mods!

5. The Merchant Pack

If there is one thing that is lacking in Torchlight, it is a balanced economy. There is a distinct lack of merchants with variable goods, and most of your junk is worthless anyways. Of course, for a dungeon-crawling RPG like Torchlight, this is a huge oversight. Getting a measly 100 gold back for your huge haul of magical items seems particularly unrewarding. Unfortunately, with only 2 merchants to sell to, it can seem as if you are stuck between a used car salesman and a pawn shop.

Thankfully, there is a mod for that. The Merchant Pack Torchlight mod clocks in at a hefty six extra merchants to use, all in easily accessible locations. This mod includes a jewelcrafter for your fine gem wares, and even a fisher for your hobby sales. All of these offer slightly improved prices for your dungeon loot, which makes return trips to town something to look forward to eagerly. All of the merchants included in this mod offer a variety of random goods – including rare unique items from time to time. This adds an extra layer of depth to your equipment set up – as you are no longer simply a slave to what you happen to find. The Merchant Pack is a much needed mod for Torchlight, and is deserving of its number 5 ranking on this list.

4. Jarcho’s Class Compilation

One of the biggest criticisms of Torchlight has always been the limitations of the three main classes. Although players can specialize in several different areas per class, at some point players get bored of using the same abilities over and over again. If you have alt-itis, Torchlight vanilla is not the game for you…at least until now.

Jarcho's Class Compilation is a fantastically huge mod that introduces 20 new and unique classes to the Torchlight universe. Want to play a fists-of-fury style beastmaster? How about a holier-than-thou Paladin, or even an Icy Sorcerer? All of these are dreams come reality with Jarcho's expertise at hand. This mod adds in a staggering amount of replayablity to Torchlight, but it does come at a price. While Jarcho is still updating his class compilation, many of the abilities are somewhat broken, or at the very least quite unbalanced. I recommend playing Torchlight on the highest difficulty with Jarcho's mod installed, otherwise your new class might trivialize much of the content of the game. Despite the balance issues, Jarcho's mod might be the most fun Torchlight mod out now.

3. Total UI Reskin

Staring at the same User Interface for hours on end is something gamers do quite often, usually without much complaint. Torchlight's UI is not particularly bad, but it isn't the most fun thing to stare at in an isometric view point for long periods of time. The menus are somewhat faded and dull, and the ability hotkeys are nondescript in general. Honestly, Torchlight's graphics are well done – but the UI just isn't up to snuff.

That is why the Total UI Reskin mod was made. This mod totally redesigns the User Interface, infusing blue and red into an otherwise drab color scheme. While not necessary at all, this mod has to be seen to be appreciated. The snazzy blue interface options really pop out on the screen, giving Torchlight a refreshingly hip window.

2. Starch The Monster Hunter

The number 2 spot on the top 10 best Torchlight mods list deservingly goes to Starch the Monster Hunter. Starch is a mod that introduces players to a new force to be reckoned with in the Torchlight universe – Starch. He is a monster hunter who actually doesn't do much hunting himself. In fact, he sends players to do his bidding – which is almost always extremely dangerous and exciting – for fantastic rewards.

If you find yourself getting bored by Torchlight's regular old monsters and demons, then you will love Starch's unique horrors. One of the major tasks he gives you is an entirely unique task – kill the Leviathin in the misty marshes. This epic battle is an amazingly tough sequence with some great rewards – and takes upwards of 10 hours to complete. Starch is a great addition to Torchlight, and has even been mentioned as one of the developer's favorite mods to play through.

1. Torchlight Texture Project

And the number one Torchlight mod out now is….The Torchlight Texture Project! This ambitious mod is a complete remapping of every texture in the game – and it even comes in high-resolution or low-resolution versions. If your computer is a beefy graphics machine the high res version makes Torchlight absolutely come to life. Roaring waterfalls look fantastic, grasses are green, lush and soft, and grimy dungeon floors look disgusting – as they should. This mod is one of the most impressive and immersive mods for Torchlight, and should be installed on every single Torchlight fans' machines. If you like Torchlight, do yourself a favor and install the Texture Project right now.

Torchlight 2 is a vibrant and colorful loot-driven action-RPG that serves as an excellent alternative to Diablo 3. A colorful, more vibrant alternative that offers to the same exciting action, compelling and oh-so-sweet loot drops, and the engaging and varied character classes and progression.
For the gamers who want to do Modding in the games, like you can use 150 mods at once in Fallout and Skyrim, Torchlight is different ball game in itself. You can only use 10 Mods at a time. Fallout 4 mod textures invisible. That’s why we shared the mod-packs for Torchlight 2 rather than mods in those packs.
Most of these mods are available on the Steam workshop.
In this article we will run down 14 of the best mods available for Torchlight 2 on PC.

Best Torchlight 2 Mods You Can’t Play Without

1. Synergies Mod

The most comprehensive overhaul mod for Torchlight 2. Synergies is the largest, most ambitious modding project ever undertaken for the action-RPG. It adds new classes, new dungeons, a huge number of new bosses, as well as re-balancing the difficulty of the game to make it more challenging and more unforgiving. Essential modding.
Download here.

2. Clear Minimap

A nice and simple mod that makes the minimap borderless to avoid clutter and make the UI cleaner. A very nice little mod that improves the minimap in a smart way. After all, every game should have a good minimap, right?
Download here.

3. Better Sorting

Better Sorting aims to improve and streamline the automatic sorting of weapons, gear, and gems. It will automatically sort your weapons and gear by rarity, and your gems by rarity and type. It can’t auto-sort by level, unfortunately. Still, a nice little mod that makes loot easier to manage.
Download here.

4. WoW Style Paladin

World of Warcraft sure does have a cool Paladin class. What if you could play it in a loot game, like Torchlight 2? Well, now you can, thanks to dedicated and very specific mod. It does exactly what you’d expect, it adds a new class that is intended to be exactly the same as the Paladin class in World of Warcraft. Happy shield throwing!
Download here.

5. Pretty Damage

A pretty self-explanatory mod that simply changes the look and style of the damage numbers. If you like the look of the numbers in the image above, then check out his mod to have some highly stylised damage numbers.
Download here.

6. Better Blood Effects

Best Torchlight 2 Mods
A mod that aims to make Torchlight 2 more brutal, bloody, and visceral. Adds better blood effects, more blood effects, and longer-lasting blood effects. A great mod if you’re looking to cause some pure havoc.
Download here.

7. Extra Chunky

Tired of seeing the same old rooms in the same old dungeons? This mod seamlessly adds new rooms to existing dungeons. Extra Chunky adds a chance that some of these uniquely generated rooms will be added to various dungeons in the game.
Download here.

8. Darkthan’s Classes

A great pack of new classes added to the game, including Witch Doctor, Hunter, Monk, Blackguard, Templar, and Druid. Well-made classes that add some extra variety to the base Torchlight 2 experience.
Download here.

9. Brother’s In Arms

This mod aims to make your pets more than just pets. It turns your pet into your second character, allowing you to customise its gear, skill trees, equipment, and more. A great mod that a layer of multiple class management, and makes your companion far more effective.
Download here.

10. Pet and Fishing Overhaul

This mod overhauls the pet, fishing, and transformation systems. It adds a variety of changes and improvements, including custom overlays for fishing and custom pet inventory screens, improves the buffs granted by fish, and much more.
Please give it a try and let me know what sort of changes you'd like to see! Hoi4 spanish civil war not firing.
Download here.

11. Dragoon Class

This mod adds a new class, the Dragoon, inspired by the Dragoons found in the Final Fantasy series. Inspired more directly by those found in the Final Fantasy MMOs (11 and 14), they add a new class to play with with some unique skills and abilities. Very nice!
Download here.

12. Dwarves

A mod that changes the Berserker class into a dwarf, because dwarves are pretty cool, I guess. A simple mod that adds some dwarves into the world of Torchlight 2, which were sorely missing, obviously!
Download here.

13. Fighting Arts

A new class inspired by various anime and manga. A fairly ridiculous character (in a good way) that’s sure to add a bit of insanity to Torchlight 2. Check out this chaotic and explosive class for a more dramatic Torchlight 2 experience.
Download here.

14. Red Mage

Another Final Fantasy inspired class, the Red Mage mod adds a new spellcasting class to Torchlight 2. The Red Mage has a mix of melee and ranged skills, making it a menace from close range and far. A very nice mod, and a pretty unique class.
Download here.
These are 14 of the best mods available for Torchlight II on PC. Torchlight is an awesome action-RPG alternative to Diablo that is a blast to play with friends. These mods help you make the most out of an already great game.

Best Mods For Torchlight 2

Let us know if you think we missed anything!